Meet our dedicated team of professionals who work tirelessly to make our mission a reality, providing crucial support to families with critically ill children. Our Board of Directors, composed of experienced and passionate individuals, guides and shapes the vision of our organization, ensuring we continue to make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve.
Lyle Bourasa
Todd Hardin, Board Chair
Christi Felton, Board Secretary
Paul Dannevik, Board Treasurer
Reagan Arp
Shannon Bates
Bill Cohen
Lori Dyess
Kim Koontz
Brian Payne, MD
Traci Siebenlist
Christopher Snowberger
Russell Tippin
Briana Vela
Sydney Witte
Make a lasting impact and bring joy to families in need by donating today to The Ronald McDonald House.
Discover the transformative power of volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, where your time and compassion can make a world of difference in the lives of families in need.
Welcome to the Ronald McDonald House, a place where families find solace, support, and a home away from home during challenging times.